Friday, February 3, 2012


I've been to the doctor 4 times in the last week! Friday my beta was drawn and it came back at a 19, Tuesday they were drawn again and came back at a 193, and Thursday they were drawn and came back at 455. Our little bean is growing! However, a nurse called this morning and said that my progesterone was a 19.33 when they would like it to be at least a 20. Now, this is under important - if your progesterone gets too low during pregnancy it causes scary stuff - like miscarriage. Luckily, it was caught early on before my level gets too low so the prescribed me Prometrium to keep my progesterone level up. I take it 2x a day, for the next 6 weeks! I'm not complaining though, I'd do absolutely anything to get this little soybean to stick. :) Grow baby grow!